How to use wildcards in Sage 200?

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Wildcards are special characters you can substitute for other characters. Using wildcards allows you to search for items that contain a particular set of characters.

Now, we appreciate that that might not mean much on a first read. But once you get to understand a wildcard it can speed up your searches. And become an incredibly helpful tool when you’re looking to search for items that have a common part of their name.

Using wildcards in Sage 200

We’re highlighting how to use two particular wildcards to help you search Sage 200 effectively: the percentage character %; and the underscore _.

How to use % as a wildcard in Sage 200?

The % (percentage) character can be used as a substitute for zero or more characters (or letters).

If you look at the below list filter we have used ‘%tion’  to filter any supplier accounts which contain these four letters:

This can be particularly useful when using dropdowns in Sage 200 as you don’t have the usual filters available. In this example we are looking for any stock items which contain the word ‘rack’ by adding the % symbol at the start:

How to use the _ as a wildcard in Sage 200

The _ (underscore) character can be used to substitute for a single character or letter. In this example instead of looking for letters anywhere in the word we know that characters ‘ase’ are characters two, three and four so we use ‘_ase’ to search:

Combining wildcards in Sage 200

You can use different combinations of wildcards to search, e.g. _OU%  will search for values with three or more characters which have OU as the second and third characters.

Talk to EBS for more help and advice on Sage 200

There are more wildcards that you can use in Sage 200 than just the percentage or underscore characters. Have a chat to our support team via the customer portal for practical advice. Or, if you’re looking to make the switch to Sage 200, then email or head to the live chat to speak to our sales team.