User permissions in Sage 200

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Did you know that in recent years Sage has added two types of user access to Sage 200 when you are browsing in Chrome (or any browser outside of the application)?

Sage 200: self-serve portal

This user permissions in Sage 200 allows access to Sage’s ‘workspaces’ outside of the desktop application as well as reporting. It might be suitable for a user who just wishes to oversee the finances without needing to enter transactions. It also has the functionality to authorise purchase orders and requisitions. This is perfect for a user who is out of the office regularly.

Sage 200: web portal

Within the web portal a user can process some basic Sage 200 transactions in sales, purchase and cash book modules as well as manage account details. This user permissions in Sage 200 can also view enquiries in stock and nominal modules. They are able to enter and amend sales or purchase orders and despatch sales orders. However, there are no reports or layouts that can be printed or emailed from the portal.

While the Sage 200 self serve portal has been around for quite some years and changed very little it’s important to know that the Sage 200 web portal has only been around since 2021. Functionality for the web portal has improved year on year which means your version of Sage 200 may change what you can do or the availability of this type of user.

Viewing your user permissions in Sage 200 and licence

You can view how many ‘web user’ licences you have within the System Administration tool. A typical Sage installation will come with two free licences. But additional licences can be purchased and are currently at a reduced price compared to the full user licence.

The licence is then allocated to the appropriate user in System Administration by ticking the ‘Is Web User’ box of the user properties.

The named user will then be able to access features in the web appropriate to their assigned role in the same way fully licensed users are given feature permissions.

Internal Access

The portals can then be immediately accessed as long as you are on the same network that Sage resides (internal access). The browser will recognise your windows username and access in the same way that the desktop app does when you open Sage normally. There are two ways in which to open them.

Firstly, from the Sage 200 desktop application you can go to the settings cog and select either ‘Show Workspaces in Browser’ or ‘Show Web Portal in Browser’. This is the easiest way to find the URL.

Alternatively if you know your Sage server name and don’t have access to Sage 200, again as long as you are on the internal network you can enter the URL directly into a web browser. These would be something like:

https://<Your Sage 200 server name>:10444/Sage200SelfService

https://<Your Sage 200 server name>:10444/Sage200WebPortal

External access

The portals can be accessed outside of your normal network. You can do this by connecting to your existing VPN infrastructure or by installing a trusted SSL certificate. EBS can help with both of these.

The URL address for external access could be different to the internal URL and EBS will let you know these during the set-up phase. When logging on externally you will be presented with a login section where you would enter your usual internal windows user and password.

If you decide to open this externally it’s worth noting that your internet or WiFi quality will affect the performance and it’s suggested to use a wired internet option where possible.

Technical requirements

You can use the Web Portal with the following browsers and devices:

  • Microsoft Edge on Windows desktop PCs.
  • Apple Safari on iPad tablets (iOS).
  • Google Chrome on Windows desktop PCs and Android tablets.

Example – Self Service App

Once you have entered the Self Service App you will be presented with the ‘Workspace’ or ‘Report’ options.

From there you can proceed to select your required options. For example, Sales Document Workspace where you will be presented with the usual parent and child panes. You will also have access to your usual search and filter options:

Or for reports, once selected, you will see the usual search criteria. The report will also be available to print from your browser. However, you will not have the send to Excel options. You can only print or save to a PDF:

Example – Sage Web Portal

In the Web Portal you will be presented with the available menu options on the left and a welcome page:

From the menu you can select the appropriate options depending on the version available to you. In the below I have shown the Sales Order List as an example, from here you can filter, amend etc as required:

Talk to EBS about Sage 200

If you’re already a customer of EBS, then our support team is happy to help with Sage 200. Or if you’re looking to move to Sage 200 then head to our live chat or email Our sales team can guide you through the decision-making process.